OUR MIsson

Redefining Beauty, One Strand at a Time

At Straight Out of Cosmo, we're not just in the business of beauty. We're in the business of breaking boundaries. Founded by Lisa G, a trailblazer who started with a chair, a pair of shears, and a vision, we're here to shake up the hairstyling world and turn it on its head.

Empowerment Through Education

We believe that knowledge is power. That's why we're dedicated to providing affordable, accessible, and freaking fantastic educational content that goes beyond the basics. From mastering the art of balayage to navigating the complexities of salon ownership, our comprehensive resources are designed to elevate your skills and confidence. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, our mission is to help you level up and own your craft.

Building a Community of Mavericks

Hairdressing is more than just a job—it's a passion, an art, and a lifestyle. At Straight Out of Cosmo, we're building a community where stylists can connect, grow, and inspire each other. This is a place for creators who dare to think differently, stylists who aren't afraid to push the limits, and dreamers who want more from their career.

Innovation and Accessibility

We're relentlessly pursuing innovation in how we teach, reach, and equip our community. Our platform is designed to be as user-friendly as it is informative, ensuring that every stylist, no matter where they are in their journey, has the tools they need at their fingertips.

Why We Do It

Because we've been there—behind the chair, feeling the heat, facing the challenges. We know the hustle it takes to succeed in this industry, and we're here to make that journey a little easier and a lot more rewarding. We're here to make sure that no stylist feels left behind, that everyone has a shot at success, and that together, we can redefine what it means to be a beauty professional.

Join us at Straight Out of Cosmo, where we're not just styling hair—we're styling futures.