New Horizons

New Horizons

Whether you're considering a career shift, looking to pass on your styling legacy, or aiming to share your expertise with the next generation, the "New Horizons" bundle is your roadmap to navigating these pivotal transitions. This bundle is designed to guide you through significant career changes with confidence and strategic foresight.

This bundle features four essential workbooks tailored for stylists ready to transform their professional paths: Career Transitioning, Selling Your Salon, Retiring from Salon, and Transitioning to Educator Role. Each guide offers in-depth insights and practical steps to manage your career evolution smoothly and successfully. From evaluating your options and preparing for sale to stepping into a role as an educator, these resources cover all you need to know to make informed, impactful decisions.

With Lisa G’s experience at your fingertips, transform each transition into a new beginning rather than an end. This bundle doesn’t just prepare you for the next steps—it equips you to thrive in them. Ready to explore new professional landscapes? Let’s chart your course to new horizons—one thoughtful transition at a time!

Price: $280.00

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